November 3, 2014
Vol. 1.3

The Benefits of Himalayan Salt
are some of the benefits that you can expect by consuming Himalayan salt in
place of regular table salt include:
· Aiding in vascular health
· Supporting healthy lungs and respiratory function
· Promoting a stable pH balance within the cells
· Reducing the signs of aging
· Promoting healthy sleep patterns
· Increasing libido
· Prevents muscle cramps
· Increases hydration
· Strengthen bones
· Lowers blood pressure
· Improves circulation
· Detoxifying the body of heavy metals
· Creates an electrolyte balance
· Prevents goitres
· Reduces acid reflux
· Helps the intestines absorb nutrients
Himalayan Salt to Other Salts:
Sea Salt: While still a
better choice than table salt, sea salt is becoming increasingly over processed
and let’s face it, our oceans are becoming more and more polluted each year,
just think about the massive oils spills that have occurred. Because of the
pristine conditions that the pink salt is kept in, it is said to be the purest
salt available today.
Table Salt: Regular,
commercial table salt is completely stripped of the majority of its minerals
with the exception of sodium and chloride. It is then bleached, cleaned with
chemicals and then heated at extremely high temperatures. The iodine that is
added to table salt is almost always synthetic which is difficult for our
bodies to properly take in. It is treated with anti-caking agents, which
prevents the salt from dissolving in water and in the salt container. These
agents then prevent the salt from absorbing in our own bodies, which leads to a
build- up and deposit within the organs. This can cause severe health problems.
Studies have shown that for each gram of table salt that is consumed that the
body cannot process, your body will use 20 TIMES the amount of cellular water
to neutralize the amount of sodium chloride that is present in this chemically
treated salt.
This is large in part of how salt has gotten such a
bad name. It is not necessarily salt that is unhealthy for us, it is refined
table salt that is inferior for our health. Aside from that, many of us are
consuming way too much processed food. These foods contain astronomical amounts
of salt, and it isn’t the good kind. It’s not about limiting our amount of
salt; it’s about consuming more natural, homemade whole foods. This way we can
add salt while cooking or sprinkle some on our meals without having to worry
about high blood pressure and so on.
and Energy
100% pure Himalayan Salt
contains 84 natural trace minerals and elements that are found in the human
body. That alone is quite impressive! A few of these minerals include: sodium
chloride, sulphate, calcium, potassium and magnesium. When using this salt, you
are actually getting less sodium intake per serving than regular table salt
because it is less refined and the pieces are larger. Therefore Himalayan salt
has less sodium per serving because the crystals or flakes take up less room
than the highly processed table salt variety. Another amazing thing about this
salt is that because of its cellular structure it stores vibrational energy.
The minerals in this salt exist in colloidal form, which means that they are
small enough for our cells to easily absorb.
Himalayan Crystal Salt is
more than sodium and chloride. Himalayan Crystal Salt can actually be viewed as
food. When we speak of salt, we mean salt in its original form: holistic,
wholesome, unaltered, natural salt, as it has crystallized in the Earth over
millions of years. When we speak of "table" salt that is sold in the
supermarket, we refer to it as sodium chloride with additives, which is what it
really is.
How Salt Became Sodium Chloride
With the advent of industrial development, natural salt was
"chemically cleaned" and reduced to the combination of sodium and
chloride. Essential minerals and trace elements were removed as impurities.
However, sodium chloride is an unnatural, isolated, unwholesome substance
having nothing in common with salt. Similar to white, refined sugar, salt, once
regarded as white gold, was converted into white poison. However, there is a
higher reason for salt having been endowed with all the natural elements found
in our bodies. Sodium chloride is an aggressive substance, which
bio-chemically, is perpetually seeking an equalizing counterpart, so that the
body's pH can always remain neutral. Sodium chloride needs its natural
counterpart in order for it to produce its effect. The natural counterparts,
such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals and trace elements,
demonstrate, from a biophysical standpoint, specific frequency patterns. These
patterns ensure the geometric structures in our body. When these structures are
missing, we are without energy and are lifeless. Salt should not be used just
to add flavour to our food, but for its vibration pattern, which is similar to
our body!
Table Salt
Burdens the Body
The body recognizes table
salt as an aggressive cellular poison, an unnatural substance, and wants to
eliminate it as quickly as possible in order to protect itself. This causes a
constant overburden on our organs of excretion. In almost every preserved
product, salt is used as part of the preservation process. So, by adding salt
to the already salted food, the body receives more salt than it can get rid of.
The body now tries to isolate the over-dose of salt in this process. Water
molecules surround the sodium chloride in order to ionize it into sodium and
chloride to neutralize it. For this process, the water is taken from our cells
as the body sacrifices its most perfectly structured cell water in order to
neutralize sodium chloride. With this, the dehydrated body cells die.
The result of consuming common table salt is the formation of
overly acidic edema, or excess fluid in the body tissue, which is also the
cause of cellulite. That's why doctors tell us to avoid salt. For every .035
ounces of sodium chloride that cannot be eliminated, the body uses 23 times
(23x) the amount of its own cell water to neutralize the salt. If the sodium
chloride is still too high, re-crystallization of the table salt occurs as the
body uses available non-degradable animal proteins (as those found in milk),
which also have no value and cannot be broken down and eliminated. The body
uses these proteins to produce uric acid in order to get rid of the excess salt
as the body cannot dispose of uric acid and it binds itself with the sodium
chloride to form new crystals that are deposited directly in the bones and
joints. This is the cause of different kinds of rheumatism such as arthritis,
gout, and kidney and gall bladder stones. This re-crystallization is the body's
band-aid solution for the cells and organs in order to protect the body from
irreparable damage of irresponsible food intake. But in the long run, it
poisons the system because those substances cannot be disposed of.
Other Uses of Himalayan Salt
· Cooking and curing – use pre-ground salt or grinders
like any other salt.
· Decoration – use the salts in glass
containers as décor crystals and sprinkled on food as decoration.
· Bathing – throw in your tub for a detoxifying
Himalayan salt bath. The replenishing nutrients stimulate circulation and
soothe sore muscles.
· Potpourri holders and Essential Oil Diffusers
· Air-purification – crystal rock lamps are
used to purify the air.
Choose Himalayan salt as an alternative to the regular Table Salt
or Refined Sea Salts and let it have an amazing impact on your health. You will
notice the difference. It is life-generating for our bodies and nervous
Sources: Institutes of Biophysical Research
I Want to be 100% Organic